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Culture Films, LLC provides its customers with the latest Internet electronic commerce security software. All transactions on our web site are encrypted using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and 256-bit AES-based encryption to ensure your personal and credit card information is safe from the moment you sign up as a member and through out any transaction that involves the transfer of credit card information. SSL technology only works when you have a secure browser. Secure browsers include Netscape Navigator 2.0 and later, Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 and later, and AOL version 4 or later, and Foxfire's latest brower versions. To verify whether your browser is secure, look for the specific security lock or key icon at the bottom of the page. This icon ensures the browser is talking to our servers with secure, encrypted computer language. If you have any concerns, or would like to order in person please E-mail - sales@culturefilms.comThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us - Ph: 1-888-LEGASKI or 1-866-SKIFILM.

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